
Mastering Shopify: How to Develop Your Own Custom Themes


Mastering Shopify: How to Develop Your Own Custom Themes

Custom Shopify themes development is a must-have skill if you want your online store to stand out. While Shopify offers thousands of pre-made themes, they may not suffice if you’re trying to create a unique buyer experience. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Shopify themes: Pre-designed templates available on Shopify.
  2. eCommerce Custom Design: Tailor your site to align with your brand’s identity.
  3. Mango Innovation: Offering flexible, bespoke solutions for theme development.

Custom Shopify themes development enables you to craft a store that is uniquely custom to your audience.

I’m Derrick Boddie, founder of Mango Innovation, with over 12 years in web systems development, including extensive work in Custom Shopify themes development. From leading complex projects to mastering multiple web development technologies, I’ve helped businesses shape bespoke online experiences.

Read on to learn how Custom Shopify themes development can transform your store.

Custom Shopify Themes Development Process Infographic - Custom Shopify themes development infographic infographic-line-3-steps-colors

Key terms for Custom Shopify themes development:

What is Shopify Theme Development?

Shopify theme development is the process of creating custom themes for your Shopify store. These themes control the look and feel of your online store, impacting everything from layout to functionality. Unlike pre-made templates, custom themes allow you to create a unique shopping experience that aligns perfectly with your brand.

Shopify Themes: The Building Blocks

Shopify themes are pre-designed templates available on the Shopify platform. They are optimized for speed and conversion, but sometimes you need more than what these templates offer. That’s where customization comes in.

Customization: Making It Yours

Customizing Shopify themes involves modifying or building new templates to meet specific needs. This can range from minor tweaks to complete overhauls. Customization allows you to:

  • Align the store with your brand identity
  • Improve user experience
  • Boost performance and SEO
  • Ensure mobile responsiveness

The Liquid Language: Shopify’s Secret Sauce

Liquid is the primary programming language used in Shopify themes. Developed by Shopify, it is an open-source language that integrates seamlessly with HTML. Liquid makes it easier to create dynamic content and customize your store’s appearance.

Essential Tools for Development

Shopify CLI

The Shopify Command Line Interface (CLI) is your go-to tool for theme development. It allows you to:

  • Create and manage themes directly from your terminal
  • Preview changes in real-time
  • Deploy themes to your Shopify store


GitHub is a code hosting platform that helps you:

  • Store and manage your theme code
  • Collaborate with other developers
  • Track and control changes

To get started, you’ll need to clone the Dawn theme repository from GitHub. Dawn is Shopify’s reference theme and serves as a great starting point for custom development.

Putting It All Together

By combining Shopify CLI, Liquid, and GitHub, you can create a custom Shopify theme that stands out. You’ll have full control over your store’s look and functionality, ensuring it meets your unique business needs.

In the next section, we’ll dive into why customizing Shopify themes is beneficial for your online store.

Why Customize Shopify Themes?

Customizing Shopify themes offers numerous advantages that can significantly impact your online store’s success. Let’s explore some of the key benefits:

Unique Design

When you customize your Shopify theme, you can create a unique design that sets your store apart from the competition. Unlike pre-made templates, a custom theme allows you to tailor every design element to reflect your brand’s personality.

Unique design - Custom Shopify themes development

Brand Identity

Brand identity is crucial for any business. A custom Shopify theme ensures that all visual components—color scheme, logo, typography, and images—align perfectly with your brand identity. This helps in creating a cohesive and memorable shopping experience for your customers.

“If you want people to remember your brand, then all of your online store’s visual components should show your brand identity and what you have to offer.”

User Experience

A customized theme can significantly improve the user experience (UX). By tailoring the layout, navigation, and functionality to meet your audience’s needs, you make it easier for them to find what they’re looking for and complete their purchases. This can lead to higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.


Pre-made themes often come with features that you may not need, which can slow down your site. A custom theme is optimized for your specific requirements, ensuring faster load times. According to research, each additional second in load time can result in a 4.42% drop in conversion rates.

Faster load time - Custom Shopify themes development


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital for driving organic traffic to your store. Custom themes allow you to implement SEO best practices more effectively. You can customize URLs, meta tags, and other SEO elements to improve your site’s ranking on search engines like Google.

Mobile Responsiveness

With more people shopping on their mobile devices, having a mobile-responsive design is non-negotiable. Custom themes ensure that your store looks great and functions well on all devices, from desktops to smartphones. This not only improves user experience but also boosts your SEO rankings.

Mobile Responsiveness - Custom Shopify themes development

In the next section, we’ll discuss the essential tools and skills needed for custom Shopify themes development.

Tools and Skills Needed for Custom Shopify Themes Development

Developing custom Shopify themes requires a mix of the right tools and skills. Here’s what you’ll need:

Shopify CLI

The Shopify Command Line Interface (CLI) is essential for developing Shopify themes. Unlike drag-and-drop builders, the CLI allows you to write commands in text, using coding languages specific to Shopify themes. This tool is your main environment for creating and testing your theme.

Install the CLI on your system (Windows, Linux, or Mac) and use commands like theme open to preview your work or theme deploy to push your theme to your store.


GitHub is a code hosting platform that helps you store and manage your theme files. You’ll need to clone the Dawn theme repository from GitHub to get started. GitHub also allows for collaboration, version control, and tracking changes, making it easier to manage your theme development process.

Liquid Language

Liquid is Shopify’s primary templating language. It combines HTML with embedded code to create dynamic content. While Liquid is relatively simple to learn, it is powerful enough to handle complex tasks. Familiarize yourself with Liquid to customize templates, sections, and snippets in your theme.

“Liquid is the backbone of Shopify themes. It’s flexible and easy to use, even for those new to coding.” – [Shopify]

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

HTML and CSS are foundational for any web development project. HTML structures your content, while CSS styles it. For added interactivity, you’ll need JavaScript. These languages work together to create a visually appealing and functional theme.


Shopify’s backend is built on Ruby, so understanding this language can be beneficial, especially if you plan to extend Shopify’s functionalities or work on more advanced customizations. Ruby knowledge is particularly useful when dealing with Shopify’s API.


For more dynamic and responsive user interfaces, React is a powerful JavaScript library. It is often used in headless Shopify setups, where the frontend is decoupled from the backend. Combining React with Next.js can make your store even more interactive and fast-loading.

React is great for building complex user interfaces efficiently. When combined with Shopify, it offers a seamless shopping experience.” – [Derrick Boddie]

Combining Tools and Skills

To effectively develop a custom Shopify theme, you’ll need to combine these tools and skills. Start by installing the Shopify CLI and cloning the Dawn theme from GitHub. Use Liquid to customize templates and sections, and improve your theme with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. For more advanced features, dive into Ruby and React.

In the next section, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide to developing custom Shopify themes.

Step-by-Step Guide to Developing Custom Shopify Themes

Creating a custom Shopify theme involves several steps. Let’s break it down.

Define the End Goal

Before you start, define your end goal. What do you want to achieve with your custom theme? Consider:

  • Requirements: List all the features and functionalities you need.
  • Workflow: Plan the steps you’ll take, from development to deployment.
  • Verification: Determine how you’ll test and validate your theme.

Test with Research

Understand your audience and market. This is crucial for creating a theme that meets user needs and stands out.

  • Buyer Preferences: Research what your target customers prefer in terms of design and functionality.
  • Competitor Analysis: Use tools like the Shopify Theme Detector to see what themes competitors are using.
  • SEO Tools: Ensure your theme is optimized for search engines to improve visibility.

Install Shopify CLI

To start developing, you need the Shopify CLI.

  • Windows: Requires Node.js 14.17.0+, Ruby+Devkit 3.0, Git, and Bundler 2.3.8+.
  • Linux: Needs Node.js 14.17.0+, Ruby 3.0, and tools like Git, cURL, GCC, g++, and Make.
  • Mac: Install Homebrew, which will automatically install Node.js, Ruby, and Git.

Follow Shopify’s tutorial for detailed installation instructions.

Build on the Dawn Theme

Next, clone the Dawn theme GitHub repository. Dawn is Shopify’s reference theme, built for performance and flexibility.

  • Critical Path: Focus on key pages like the homepage, product pages, and checkout.
  • Shopify Guidelines: Ensure your theme is “substantively different” from Dawn and adds value for users.

Sync Git Repository with Shopify

Keep your work organized by syncing your Git repository with Shopify.

  • Real-time Changes: Use Git to track changes and make it easier to push updates.
  • Theme Library: Add your theme directly to Shopify’s theme library using the Git integration.
  • Google Chrome: Preview changes in real-time using Google Chrome.

Test and Preview

Testing is crucial to ensure everything works as expected.

  • Shopify Theme Dev Command: Use the command shopify theme dev to preview changes. This command auto-reloads changes to CSS and sections.
  • Hot Reload: Any changes made locally will be reflected instantly in the browser.
  • Google Chrome: Use Chrome for the best preview experience.

Push to Shopify Theme Store

Once you’re satisfied with your theme, it’s time to go live.

  • Theme Push Command: Use theme push to upload your theme to the store.
  • Theme Library: Ensure your theme is in the theme library and ready for publishing.
  • Live Changes: Make any final adjustments and push live changes to your store.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating a custom Shopify theme that stands out and meets all your business needs.

Benefits of Custom Shopify Themes

Unique Branding

A custom Shopify theme allows you to create a unique and recognizable brand. Unlike pre-made templates, a custom theme reflects your brand’s identity through custom color schemes, logos, and typography. For example, Vetsak successfully used custom themes to reinforce their brand identity, making their online store memorable and aligned with their marketing goals.

Full Control

With a custom theme, you have complete control over your store’s design and functionality. You can decide everything from the layout to the placement of buttons, ensuring that your online store meets your specific needs. Pre-made themes often limit customization options, but with a custom theme, you can tweak every detail to match your vision.

Faster Load Time

Custom themes are optimized for performance, leading to faster load times. Pre-made themes often come with unnecessary features that can slow down your site. According to the research, each additional second in load time can reduce conversion rates by 4.42%. Custom themes eliminate this issue by including only the features you need, ensuring quick load times and a better user experience.

Better Usability

Custom themes improve usability by offering a seamless and intuitive user experience. Too many added apps or customizations to a pre-made theme can make navigation confusing and slow down your site. By contrast, a custom theme is built from the ground up with usability in mind, making it easier for customers to find what they need and complete their purchases.


As your business grows, your custom theme can grow with you. Whether you need to add new features or redesign sections of your site, a custom theme offers the flexibility to make these changes without starting from scratch. This scalability ensures that your online store can adapt to new trends and customer needs, keeping your business competitive.

By investing in a custom Shopify theme, you gain unique branding, full control, faster load times, better usability, and scalability, all of which contribute to a more successful online store. Next, let’s dive into some frequently asked questions about custom Shopify themes development.

Frequently Asked Questions about Custom Shopify Themes Development

Can you build your own Shopify theme?

Yes, you can build your own Shopify theme from scratch. Shopify provides various tools and resources to help you get started. One essential tool is the Dawn theme, which is Shopify’s new reference theme. Dawn incorporates all the best features of Shopify’s Online Store 2.0 and serves as a great starting point for custom development.

To build a custom theme, you’ll need to be familiar with Shopify’s Liquid template language, as well as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You will also use tools like Shopify CLI and GitHub for version control and real-time updates.

Building your own theme gives you total control over your store’s design and functionality, ensuring it matches your brand perfectly.

How much do Shopify theme developers make?

Shopify theme developers can be quite profitable, depending on their level of expertise and the complexity of the projects they undertake. According to industry data, the average salary for a Shopify developer ranges from $50,000 to $100,000 per year. However, experienced developers working on high-end custom projects can earn significantly more.

Profitability also depends on the quality of the work and marketing efforts. Developers who specialize in creating high-quality, custom themes can charge premium rates, especially if they have a strong portfolio and positive client reviews.

How much does it cost to develop a Shopify theme?

The cost of developing a custom Shopify theme can vary widely based on several factors:

  1. Complexity and Features: The more complex and feature-rich the theme, the higher the cost. Simple themes with basic features may cost between $5,000 and $10,000. More complex projects can range from $20,000 to $50,000 or more. Enterprise-level themes with extensive customizations and integrations can even reach six figures.

  2. Customization Levels: Customization needs also impact the cost. A theme that requires unique graphics, custom apps, or multiple integrations will be more expensive.

  3. Developer Rates: Rates vary globally. Developers in North America and Europe typically charge higher rates compared to those in Asia or Eastern Europe. For example, hiring a developer from the U.S. might cost between $75 to $150 per hour, while developers from other regions might charge $30 to $70 per hour.

  4. Time and Effort: The time it takes to develop the theme also affects the cost. A fully custom theme can take several weeks to months to complete.

Investing in a custom Shopify theme can be expensive, but it offers long-term benefits like unique branding, better performance, and scalability.


At Mango Innovation, we understand the importance of having a unique and high-performing Shopify store. That’s why we specialize in custom Shopify themes development to help businesses stand out in the crowded eCommerce landscape.

Our approach is simple: we listen to your needs and tailor our solutions to meet them. Whether you’re looking to customize an existing theme or build one from scratch, our team of experts is here to guide you every step of the way.

Custom Web Solutions

We pride ourselves on delivering custom web solutions that are not only visually stunning but also highly functional. Our team uses the latest technologies and best practices to ensure your Shopify store is fast, responsive, and user-friendly.

Satisfaction Guarantee

What sets us apart is our satisfaction guarantee. We offer flexible web design and development subscriptions with unlimited requests. This means you can request as many changes as you need until you’re 100% satisfied with the final product.

Ready to Get Started?

If you’re ready to take your Shopify store to the next level, check out our pricing plans and book a call with us today. Let’s create something amazing together!

By investing in a custom Shopify theme, you’re not just getting a beautiful store; you’re building a strong foundation for your brand’s success. With Mango Innovation, you can be confident that your eCommerce site will be custom to your needs and designed to convert visitors into loyal customers.


Derrick Boddie
Derrick Boddie
Senior Web Developer & Executive Director at Mango Innovation

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