
Mastering Shopify: How to Easily Set Up Your Custom Domain


Why You Need a Custom Domain for Your Shopify Store

Control Over Your Brand Identity

Having a custom domain gives you full control over your brand identity. It’s the difference between having a memorable, professional web address like versus a generic one like This control ensures that customers can always find your website easily and remember it.

“Control over your brand identity is crucial for building a lasting connection with your audience.”

A More Professional Look

A custom domain makes your store look more professional. When customers see a clean, branded URL, they are more likely to trust your business. This trust can lead to higher conversion rates and repeat customers.

“A custom domain adds glamor to your well-designed Shopify collections pages by giving them URLs that are easy to remember.”

SEO Benefits

Using a custom domain can also improve your store’s search engine rankings. Search engines like Google view custom domains as a sign of credibility and authority. This can lead to higher rankings, increased visibility, and more organic traffic.

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Trust Building

A custom domain builds trust with potential customers. It shows that you are serious about your business and are willing to invest in its professional appearance. Trust is a critical factor in online shopping, and a custom domain goes a long way in establishing it.

“A secure website reassures visitors that their information is safe.”

Control Over Brand

Finally, a custom domain gives you ultimate control over your brand. You can choose a name that perfectly represents your business, making it easier to market and promote.

“By having a custom domain name, you can ensure that your customers will always be able to find your website and that they’ll remember your brand.”

By now, you should understand the importance of setting up a custom domain for your Shopify store. Next, let’s walk through the steps to actually get your custom domain up and running.

This leads us into the next section: How to Buy a Domain Through Shopify.

How to Buy a Domain Through Shopify

Buying a domain through Shopify is a straightforward process that can be done right from your Shopify admin panel. Here’s how to do it:

Shopify Admin

First, log into your Shopify admin. This is where you’ll manage all aspects of your store, including purchasing a domain.

  1. Steer to the Domains Tab: From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Domains.

  2. Search for Available Domains: In the search bar, enter the desired domain name for your store. Shopify will show you available options along with their prices.

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Purchase Process

  1. Select and Purchase: Once you find an available domain that you like, click on it to add it to your cart. Follow the prompts to complete the purchase. Shopify will handle the registration process for you.

  2. Payment Information: You’ll need to enter your payment information to finalize the purchase. Shopify accepts various payment methods, making it convenient for you.

Automatic Configuration

One of the benefits of purchasing a domain through Shopify is that it comes with automatic configuration. This means Shopify will handle all the technical details like DNS settings for you.

“Shopify’s automatic configuration ensures that your domain is set up correctly and quickly, so you can focus on running your store.”

Domain Settings

After purchasing your domain, you can manage all its settings directly from your Shopify admin. This includes:

  • Automatic Renewal: Ensure your domain never expires by enabling automatic renewal.
  • Subdomains: Add subdomains if needed, such as
  • DNS Settings: Edit DNS settings if you need advanced configurations.
Domain settings in Shopify admin - Shopify custom domain setup

By purchasing a domain through Shopify, you simplify the process and ensure that your domain is properly configured. This is a crucial step in establishing a professional online presence for your store.

Next, we’ll discuss how to connect an existing domain to Shopify.

Connecting an Existing Domain to Shopify

If you already have a domain purchased through a third party, you can still use it with your Shopify store. Here’s how to do it in a few simple steps.

Shopify Admin

First, you need to add your custom domain to your Shopify store. This step identifies you to Shopify as the owner of your domain.

  1. Steer to the Domains Tab: From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Domains.
  2. Connect Existing Domain: Click on Connect existing domain.
  3. Enter Your Domain: In the text field, enter your custom domain and click Next.

DNS Settings

Now, you need to set up your domain to point to Shopify. This involves editing your DNS settings with your domain provider.

  1. Log In to Your Domain Provider: Access your account with your domain provider.
  2. Find DNS Settings: Look for the DNS settings, which might be under account admin panel, domain management area, or DNS configuration.

Update A Record

  1. Edit A Record:

    • Enter or choose the @ symbol or A record.
    • Set the destination to Shopify’s IP address:
  2. Save the A Record: Click Save, Save Zone File, or Add Record.

Update CNAME Record

  1. Edit CNAME Record:
    • Find the www CNAME record.
    • Set it to point to

Note: CNAME records must always point to a domain name, never to an IP address.

  1. Save the CNAME Record: Click Save or Add record.

Verify Your Connection

After updating your DNS settings, go back to your Shopify admin and click Verify connection to confirm that your custom domain is connected to your store.

Note: It may take up to 48 hours for your custom domain to point to your Shopify store.

Manage Settings

Once your domain is connected, you can manage its settings from your Shopify admin. This includes:

  • Automatic Renewal: Ensure your domain never expires by enabling automatic renewal.
  • Subdomains: Add subdomains if needed, such as
  • DNS Settings: Edit DNS settings for advanced configurations.

By following these steps, you can easily connect an existing domain to your Shopify store, ensuring a professional and seamless online presence.

Next, we’ll discuss how to transfer your domain to Shopify.

Transferring Your Domain to Shopify

Transferring your domain to Shopify can help you manage all your domain settings in one place. Here’s a step-by-step guide to make this process smooth and simple.

Step 1: Set DNS Settings

Before initiating the transfer, you need to update your domain’s DNS settings to point to Shopify.

  1. Log In to Your Domain Registrar: Access your account with your current domain registrar.
  2. Find DNS Settings: Look for the DNS settings, usually found under the domain management area.

Update A Record

  1. Change A Record:

    • Select the @ symbol or A record.
    • Set the destination to Shopify’s IP address:
  2. Save the A Record: Click Save or Add Record.

Update CNAME Record

  1. Change CNAME Record:
    • Find the www CNAME record.
    • Set it to point to

Note: CNAME records must always point to a domain name, never to an IP address.

  1. Save the CNAME Record: Click Save or Add Record.

Step 2: Initiate the Transfer

Once your DNS settings are updated, you can start the transfer process in Shopify.

  1. Go to the Domains Tab: From your Shopify admin, steer to Online Store > Domains.
  2. Transfer Domain: Click on Transfer domain.
  3. Enter Your Domain: Type your domain name into the field and click Next.
  4. Start Transfer: Follow the prompts to begin the transfer.

Step 3: Registrar Login & Authorization

Shopify will now need access to your domain registrar account to complete the transfer.

  1. Enter Registrar Info: Provide your domain registrar login information as prompted.
  2. Authorize Transfer: You may need to authorize the transfer via an email from your current registrar.

Note: It may take a few days for the transfer to complete.

Step 4: Manage Settings

Once your domain is transferred, you can manage all settings directly from your Shopify admin.

  • Automatic Renewal: Enable automatic renewal to avoid domain expiration.
  • Subdomains: Add subdomains, such as
  • DNS Settings: Edit DNS settings for further configurations.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly transfer your domain to Shopify, making it easier to manage and maintain your online store.

Next, we’ll cover how to set up domain forwarding in Shopify.

Step-by-Step Guide to Shopify Custom Domain Setup

Step 1: Buy a Domain on Shopify

Buying a domain through Shopify is straightforward and ensures automatic configuration.

  1. Go to Shopify Admin: Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Steer to Domains Tab: Click on Online Store > Domains.
  3. Click Buy New Domain: You’ll see an option to Buy new domain.
  4. Search for Your Domain: Enter the domain name you want. Shopify will show available options.
  5. Purchase the Domain: Choose your desired domain and complete the purchase process.

Once purchased, Shopify automatically configures your domain, making it ready to use.

Step 2: Connect Your Domain to Shopify

If you already own a domain, connecting it to Shopify is simple.

  1. Go to Shopify Admin: Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Steer to Domains Tab: Click on Online Store > Domains.
  3. Click Connect Existing Domain: Enter your existing domain name and click Next.
  4. Update DNS Settings:
    • A Record: Change the A record to Shopify’s IP address:
    • CNAME Record: Set the www CNAME record to point to
  5. Save Changes: Save your DNS settings.

Your domain will now redirect to your Shopify store.

Step 3: Transfer Your Domain to Shopify

Transferring your domain to Shopify centralizes your management tasks.

  1. Set DNS Settings: Update the A record and CNAME record as described above.
  2. Go to Shopify Admin: Log in and steer to Online Store > Domains.
  3. Click Transfer Domain: Enter your domain name and click Next.
  4. Start Transfer: Follow the prompts and enter your domain registrar login information.
  5. Authorize the Transfer: Confirm the transfer via an email from your current registrar.

It may take a few days for the transfer to complete. Once done, you can manage all settings from your Shopify admin.

Step 4: Set Up Domain Forwarding

Domain forwarding helps maintain traffic from your old domain to your new Shopify store.

  1. Go to Shopify Admin: Steer to Online Store > Domains.
  2. Click Domain Settings: Next to your old domain, click Manage.
  3. Set Up Forwarding: In the domain forwarding section, enter your new Shopify store URL.
  4. Save Changes: Click Save to finalize the forwarding.

Your old domain will now redirect visitors to your Shopify store.

By following these steps, you can easily set up and manage your Shopify custom domain.

Managing Your Domain Settings in Shopify

Once you’ve set up your custom domain, managing it is essential to keep your online store running smoothly. Here’s how you can handle various domain settings within Shopify.

Accessing Domain Settings

1. Go to Shopify Admin: Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
2. Steer to Domains Page: Click on Online Store > Domains. This is your central hub for all domain-related activities.

Configure Automatic Renewal

Ensuring your domain doesn’t expire is crucial. With Shopify, you can set up automatic renewal to avoid any interruptions.

1. Select Your Domain: On the Domains page, find the domain you want to manage and click Manage.
2. Enable Automatic Renewal: Look for the Auto-renew option and toggle it on. This ensures your domain renews automatically before it expires.

Adding Subdomains

Subdomains can help organize different sections of your website, like a blog or a store.

1. Go to Domains Page: In your Shopify admin, steer to Online Store > Domains.
2. Click Manage: Find your primary domain and click Manage.
3. Add Subdomain: Scroll down to the Subdomains section and click Add subdomain. Enter the subdomain you want (e.g., and click Add.

Editing DNS Settings

DNS settings are crucial for directing traffic to your Shopify store. You might need to edit these settings if you’re using third-party services.

1. Access DNS Settings: On the Domains page, click Manage next to your domain.
2. Edit Records: Scroll down to the DNS Settings section. Here, you can edit the A record and CNAME record.


  • A Record: Change the A record to Shopify’s IP address:
  • CNAME Record: Set the www CNAME record to point to

3. Save Changes: After making the necessary changes, click Save.

By managing these settings, you can ensure your domain remains active, secure, and properly configured for your Shopify store. This makes your Shopify custom domain setup seamless and efficient, helping you maintain a professional online presence.

Frequently Asked Questions about Shopify Custom Domain Setup

How do I add a custom domain to Shopify?

Adding a custom domain to Shopify is straightforward. Here’s how:

1. Log in to Shopify Admin: Start by logging into your Shopify admin panel.

2. Steer to Domains: Go to Online Store > Domains.

3. Connect Existing Domain: Click on Connect existing domain. Enter your custom domain in the text field and click Next.

4. Update DNS Settings: Go to your domain provider’s account and update the DNS settings. Set the A record to and the CNAME record to

5. Verify Connection: Return to Shopify and click Verify connection. This confirms your domain is correctly linked.

How much does a Shopify custom domain cost?

The cost of a custom domain on Shopify varies:

  • Buying a New Domain: Domains typically start at around $14 per year. Prices can vary based on the domain extension (.com, .net, etc.).

  • Transferring a Domain: If you transfer a domain you already own, there might be a transfer fee, depending on your current registrar.

Can I host my domain on Shopify?

Yes, you can host your domain on Shopify. Here’s what you need to know:

1. Shopify Admin: Manage your domain hosting through the Shopify admin panel.

2. Domain Settings: Steer to Online Store > Domains. Here, you can manage your domain settings, including DNS configurations and automatic renewals.

3. Domain Hosting: Whether you buy a new domain or transfer an existing one, Shopify allows you to host your domain, making the process seamless and integrated.

By following these steps and understanding the costs, you can easily set up and manage your custom domain on Shopify. This will improve your store’s credibility and make it easier for customers to find you online.


Setting up a custom domain for your Shopify store is one of the best moves you can make. It improves your brand identity, gives your store a professional look, and improves your SEO ranking. By having a custom domain, you build trust with your customers and ensure they can easily find and remember your website.

Connecting an Existing Domain to Shopify

At Mango Innovation, we specialize in professional web solutions custom to your needs. Whether you need help with Shopify custom domain setup or any other aspect of your online store, we have the expertise to guide you through every step. Our team is committed to delivering top-notch services that guarantee your satisfaction.

By choosing us, you’re not just getting a service; you’re partnering with experts who care about your success. Let us help you create a seamless and professional online presence that stands out.

Ready to take your Shopify store to the next level?

Contact Mango Innovation today and let’s get started!


Derrick Boddie
Derrick Boddie
Senior Web Developer & Executive Director at Mango Innovation