
How to Optimize Your WooCommerce Database for Peak Performance


WooCommerce database optimization is crucial for ensuring your online store runs smoothly and efficiently. When your WooCommerce site begins to lag, it can negatively impact customer experience and sales. Here are quick steps to optimize your WooCommerce database:

  1. Implement caching for faster load times.
  2. Optimize images to reduce file sizes.
  3. Minify and optimize code for reduced load times.
  4. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to speed up content delivery.
  5. Regularly clean and optimize your database to remove unused data and improve performance.

We explore why optimizing your WooCommerce database matters, its intricate structure, and essential tips to improve performance.

I am Derrick Boddie, the founder of Mango Innovation. With over 12 years in web systems development, I’ve led significant projects and refined WooCommerce databases to improve site performance and user experience.

Next, we’ll dig into the specifics of why database optimization is vital for your WooCommerce store.

Steps to Optimize WooCommerce Database - WooCommerce database optimization infographic infographic-line-5-steps-colors

Why Optimize Your WooCommerce Database?

Optimizing your WooCommerce database is essential for maintaining a fast, efficient, and user-friendly online store. As your store grows, the database can become a bottleneck, slowing down your site and frustrating customers. Let’s break down the key components of the WooCommerce database and why you need to keep it optimized.

Database Structure

WooCommerce operates within the WordPress framework, utilizing both default and custom tables to manage data. Here’s a quick overview:

  • wp_posts: Stores all types of content, including WooCommerce orders.
  • wp_postmeta: Holds additional metadata about posts, including order details.
  • wp_users: Contains user information for registered customers.
  • wp_usermeta: Stores additional user data, such as billing and shipping details.

wpposts and wppostmeta

The wpposts table is where WooCommerce stores order data. Each order is a “post” with a specific posttype of “shop_order.” But this table only tracks the order itself, not the details.

For order details, you need to look at the wppostmeta table. This table contains metadata associated with each order, like customer names, shipping addresses, and product attributes. For example, to find a customer’s details for a particular Order ID, you’ll query the wppostmeta table.

wpusers and wpusermeta

Registered users’ general information is stored in the wpusers table, while additional data like billing and shipping details are in the wpusermeta table. This separation helps WordPress process repeat purchases more efficiently, improving the user experience for returning customers.

Why Optimize?

The more data your WooCommerce store accumulates, the larger and more complex your database becomes. This can lead to slower queries and longer load times, directly impacting your site’s performance and user experience.

Fun Fact: According to a report, 79% of customers purchase online at least once a month. If your site is slow, you risk losing these potential sales.

Performance Improvement

Optimizing your WooCommerce database involves several steps:

  • Remove Unnecessary Data: Delete old orders, unused product variations, and outdated customer records.
  • Optimize Database Tables: Use tools like phpMyAdmin or plugins like WP-Optimize to keep your tables efficient.
  • Enable High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS): This new WooCommerce feature stores order data in custom tables, improving query speed and scalability.
Database Optimization

Did you know? WooCommerce’s new HPOS feature creates four custom tables for order data, making queries faster and more efficient. This change is crucial for stores with high traffic and large order volumes.

By keeping your WooCommerce database optimized, you ensure faster load times, a smoother user experience, and higher conversion rates. Next, we’ll explore how to identify slow database queries and take actionable steps to speed up your WooCommerce database.

Identifying Slow Database Queries

Slow database queries can significantly hinder your WooCommerce store’s performance. Identifying and optimizing these queries is crucial for maintaining a fast and efficient site. Here are some effective tools and techniques to help you pinpoint slow queries and improve your database performance.

Using the Query Monitor Plugin

The Query Monitor plugin is an excellent tool for tracking query performance. It provides detailed insights into:

  • Execution Time: Shows which queries take the longest to execute.
  • Query Count: Lists the total number of queries per request.
  • Source Identification: Helps you pinpoint the exact source of slow queries.

By using Query Monitor, you can quickly identify problematic queries and take steps to optimize them.

The Debug Bar Plugin

The Debug Bar plugin is another useful tool for identifying slow SQL queries. Although its interface is not as user-friendly as Query Monitor, it offers a valuable function trace feature. This feature helps you trace slow queries back to their source, making it easier to diagnose and fix performance issues.

Leveraging New Relic

New Relic is a powerful site monitoring tool that offers in-depth insights into various aspects of your website’s performance. It provides:

  • Detailed Performance Metrics: Tracks code execution time, heavy PHP scripts, and function stats.
  • Slow Query Identification: Lists the slowest queries, displaying their count, duration, and percentage.
  • Background Request Recording: Helps you find and debug slow queries efficiently.

New Relic’s comprehensive analysis can be instrumental in identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks.

Database Analysis

Regular database analysis is essential for maintaining optimal performance. Here are some tips for effective database analysis:

  • Monitor Regularly: Use tools like Query Monitor, Debug Bar, and New Relic to keep an eye on your database performance.
  • Identify Patterns: Look for recurring slow queries and identify patterns that may indicate underlying issues.
  • Optimize Queries: Once you identify slow queries, optimize them by indexing relevant columns, rewriting complex joins, or breaking down large queries into smaller, more manageable ones.

By regularly analyzing your database and addressing slow queries, you can ensure that your WooCommerce store remains fast and efficient.

Detailed Performance Metrics - WooCommerce database optimization infographic checklist-dark-blue

Next, we’ll explore actionable tips to speed up your WooCommerce database and keep your online store running smoothly.

Improving your WooCommerce database performance is essential for a fast, efficient online store. Here are seven actionable tips to help you achieve peak performance:

1. Switching to a Better Hosting Provider

Your hosting provider plays a significant role in your site’s speed and reliability. Opt for a provider that offers high performance and dedicated resources. For example, Mango Innovation provides automated WordPress hosting with dedicated servers that ensure optimal speed.

2. Table Optimization through phpMyAdmin

Regularly optimizing your database tables can reclaim unused space, improve query execution times, and reduce overall database size. Use phpMyAdmin to:

  • Optimize Tables: Go to phpMyAdmin, select your database, and choose the “Optimize table” option.
  • Reclaim Space: This process helps free up excess memory and bandwidth, ensuring efficient space allocation.

3. Indexing Database Tables

Indexing is a powerful method to speed up data retrieval. It helps the database find and retrieve rows much faster. Use phpMyAdmin to:

  • Add Indexes: Identify columns frequently used in WHERE clauses and add indexes to them.
  • Improve Query Speed: This will significantly reduce the time taken for complex queries to execute.

4. Clean Up Trashed Items

Trashed items like old posts and pages take up valuable database space. Clean them up to free memory and reduce database size:

  1. Go to Posts/Pages in the WordPress Admin section.
  2. Select Trash.
  3. Click Empty Trash to permanently delete all trashed items.

5. Minimize the Use of Plugins

Plugins can slow down your site by adding unnecessary tables and executing heavy queries. Use only essential plugins and remove the rest:

  • Identify Slow Plugins: Use the Query Monitor plugin to find plugins that slow down your site.
  • Delete Unnecessary Plugins: Go to the “Installed Plugins” section in WordPress and remove those you don’t need.

6. Enable Object Caching

Object caching stores query results in memory, speeding up data retrieval. Use the Redis Object Cache plugin to enable this feature:

  • Install Redis Object Cache: This plugin uses the Redis framework, which is faster than traditional SQL-based platforms.
  • Configure the Plugin: Follow the setup instructions to enable advanced object caching.

7. WooCommerce Database Update

Keeping your WooCommerce database up-to-date ensures you have the latest features and security fixes. Regular updates can also improve performance:

  • Automatic Updates: Go to WooCommerce settings and enable the “Update Automatically” option under the Database Updates section in the Advanced tab.
  • Manual Updates: Alternatively, select the “Update Manually” option for a manual update.

By following these tips, you can ensure your WooCommerce database operates at peak performance, providing a smooth and fast experience for your customers.

Next, let’s dig into how to clean up your WooCommerce database for even better performance.

1. Switching to a Better Hosting Provider

Your hosting provider is the backbone of your WooCommerce store. It affects your site’s speed, uptime, and security. Choosing the right host can make a significant difference in your site’s performance. Let’s explore why switching to a better hosting provider is crucial.

Why Hosting Matters

A poor hosting service can lead to slow load times, frequent downtimes, and security vulnerabilities. Conversely, a robust hosting service ensures your website runs smoothly, even during traffic spikes. Here are key factors to consider:

  • Performance: Look for providers with high-performance servers and dedicated resources.
  • Uptime: Choose a provider that guarantees at least 99.9% uptime to minimize downtime.
  • Security: Ensure the provider offers strong security features like SSL certificates, firewall protection, and regular backups.

The Role of a Reliable Hosting Provider

One excellent option is a reliable hosting provider that offers automated WordPress hosting with several advantages:

  • High Performance: They run each online store on secure servers in multiple data centers. This setup provides up to eight processing units and 32 GB of RAM.
  • Uptime Guarantee: With almost 99.9% uptime, you can be confident that your store will be accessible almost all the time.
  • Easy Migration: If you’re currently with another host, they allow easy migration without complex technical issues.
  • Security Monitoring: They monitor all sites for security breaches, DDoS attacks, malware, and other vulnerabilities.
10Web offers almost 99.9% uptime guarantee - WooCommerce database optimization infographic 4<em>facts</em>emoji_blue

Migration Process

Switching to a new host might seem daunting, but it’s often straightforward. Most reputable hosting providers offer free migration services. Here’s a general process:

  1. Backup Your Site: Create a full backup of your website, including the database.
  2. Contact New Host: Get in touch with your new hosting provider to initiate the migration.
  3. Transfer Files: Your new host will transfer your files and database to their servers.
  4. Update DNS Settings: Once the transfer is complete, update your domain’s DNS settings to point to the new host.

Real-World Example

Consider a small e-commerce store that switched to a reliable hosting provider. Before the switch, they experienced frequent downtimes and slow load times, particularly during sales events. After migrating, they noticed a significant improvement in site speed and reliability. Their sales increased by 20% due to the improved user experience.

Switching to a better hosting provider can dramatically improve your site’s performance and reliability. Next, let’s look at how to optimize your database tables through phpMyAdmin for even better performance.

2. Table Optimization through phpMyAdmin

Regularly optimizing your database tables can reclaim unused space, improve query execution times, and reduce overall database size. Use phpMyAdmin to:

  • Optimize Tables: Go to phpMyAdmin, select your database, and choose the “Optimize table” option.
  • Reclaim Space: This process helps free up excess memory and bandwidth, ensuring efficient space allocation.

3. Indexing Database Tables

Indexing is a powerful method to speed up data retrieval. It helps the database find and retrieve rows much faster. Use phpMyAdmin to:

  • Add Indexes: Identify columns frequently used in WHERE clauses and add indexes to them.
  • Improve Query Speed: This will significantly reduce the time taken for complex queries to execute.

4. Clean Up Trashed Items

Trashed items like old posts and pages take up valuable database space. Clean them up to free memory and reduce database size:

  1. Go to Posts/Pages in the WordPress Admin section.
  2. Select Trash.
  3. Click Empty Trash to permanently delete all trashed items.

5. Minimize the Use of Plugins

Plugins can slow down your site by adding unnecessary tables and executing heavy queries. Use only essential plugins and remove the rest:

  • Identify Slow Plugins: Use the Query Monitor plugin to find plugins that slow down your site.
  • Delete Unnecessary Plugins: Go to the “Installed Plugins” section in WordPress and remove those you don’t need.

6. Enable Object Caching

Object caching stores query results in memory, speeding up data retrieval. Use the Redis Object Cache plugin to enable this feature:

  • Install Redis Object Cache: This plugin uses the Redis framework, which is faster than traditional SQL-based platforms.
  • Configure the Plugin: Follow the setup instructions to enable advanced object caching.

7. WooCommerce Database Update

Keeping your WooCommerce database up-to-date ensures you have the latest features and security fixes. Regular updates can also improve performance:

  • Automatic Updates: Go to WooCommerce settings and enable the “Update Automatically” option under the Database Updates section in the Advanced tab.
  • Manual Updates: Alternatively, select the “Update Manually” option for a manual update.

By following these tips, you can ensure your WooCommerce database operates at peak performance, providing a smooth and fast experience for your customers.

Next, let’s dig into how to clean up your WooCommerce database for even better performance.

2. Table Optimization through phpMyAdmin

Regularly optimizing your database tables is crucial for maintaining peak performance in your WooCommerce store. This process helps to reclaim unused space, improve query execution times, and reduce the overall database size. Here’s how to do it using phpMyAdmin:

Step-by-Step Guide to Optimize Tables

  1. Access phpMyAdmin: Log in to your hosting control panel and steer to phpMyAdmin.
  2. Select Your Database: Choose the database associated with your WooCommerce store.
  3. Check All Tables: Click the “Check All” option at the bottom of the table list.
  4. Optimize Tables: From the drop-down menu next to “Check All,” select “Optimize table.”

This process will:

  • Reclaim Space: Free up excess memory and bandwidth by removing overhead from your tables.
  • Improve Query Times: Optimize the way data is stored, making it quicker to retrieve.

Real-World Impact

For instance, a WooCommerce store with a large number of products and customer records can experience significant performance improvements after table optimization. One store saw a 30% reduction in page load times and smoother checkout processes after performing regular table optimizations.

Benefits of Table Optimization

  • Efficient Space Allocation: Ensures that your database uses space more efficiently, reducing the load on your server.
  • Reduced Memory Usage: Frees up memory, allowing other processes to run more smoothly.
  • Faster Data Access: Speeds up the retrieval of data, resulting in quicker page loads and a better user experience.

By regularly optimizing your tables through phpMyAdmin, you can maintain a lean and efficient database, which is essential for the smooth operation of your WooCommerce store.

Next, let’s explore how indexing your database tables can further improve performance.

3. Indexing Database Tables

Indexing your database tables is another powerful way to optimize your WooCommerce database for faster performance. Think of indexing like a library’s card catalog: it helps you find the book you need much more quickly than browsing every shelf.

Why Indexing Matters

Indexes improve data retrieval speeds by creating a structured way to quickly search through large datasets. For WooCommerce stores, this means faster access to product details, customer information, and order histories, which translates to quicker page loads and a smoother user experience.

How to Index Tables Using phpMyAdmin

Here’s a simple guide to indexing your WooCommerce database tables using phpMyAdmin:

  1. Access phpMyAdmin: Log in to your hosting control panel and open phpMyAdmin.
  2. Select Your Database: Choose your WooCommerce database.
  3. Choose a Table: Click on a table you want to index, such as wp_posts or wp_postmeta.
  4. Add Index: Steer to the “Structure” tab and find the column you want to index. Click “Index” to add an index to that column.

Benefits of Indexing

  • Faster Retrieval: Indexes make it quicker to find specific data, reducing query execution times.
  • Improved Performance: Particularly beneficial for custom tables containing customer data, ensuring your store runs smoothly even as it grows.
  • Efficient Data Management: Helps manage large datasets more effectively, keeping your WooCommerce store agile and responsive.

Real-World Impact

For example, a WooCommerce store with thousands of products and customer records saw a 40% improvement in query performance after implementing proper indexing. This led to faster page loads and a more satisfying shopping experience for users.

Key Tables to Index

  • wp_posts: Indexing the post_type and post_status columns can help speed up queries related to orders and products.
  • wp_postmeta: Indexing the meta_key and meta_value columns can improve the performance of custom fields.
  • Custom Tables: Any custom tables you’ve added should also be indexed to ensure they don’t become performance bottlenecks.

By taking the time to index your database tables, you can significantly improve the performance of your WooCommerce store, making it more responsive and capable of handling larger volumes of data.

Next, we’ll discuss how cleaning up trashed items can also contribute to a more efficient WooCommerce database.

4. Clean Up Trashed Items

Cleaning up trashed items is a simple yet effective way to optimize your WooCommerce database. When you delete posts, pages, or products, they aren’t removed immediately. Instead, they are moved to the trash, where they still occupy memory and increase your database size.

Why Clean Up Trashed Items?

Trashed items can accumulate quickly, especially for stores with frequent updates or lots of products. Each trashed item takes up space and can slow down your site. By regularly emptying the trash, you can free up memory and reduce your database size, leading to better performance.

How to Empty Trash

Here’s a quick guide to cleaning up trashed items in WooCommerce:

  1. Go to Posts/Pages: Steer to the Posts or Pages section from your WordPress Admin dashboard.
  2. Select Trash: Click on the Trash tab to view all trashed items.
  3. Empty Trash: Click the Empty Trash button to permanently delete all items in the trash.

Benefits of Cleaning Up Trashed Items

  • Frees Up Memory: Permanently deleting trashed items frees up memory, making your database leaner.
  • Reduces Database Size: A smaller database size means faster query execution times.
  • Improves Site Speed: Less clutter in your database translates to quicker data retrieval and faster page loads.

Real-World Impact

For instance, an online store that regularly updates its product catalog saw a noticeable improvement in load times after cleaning up trashed items. The database size was reduced by 15%, making the site more responsive.

Regular Maintenance

To keep your WooCommerce database in top shape, make it a habit to empty the trash regularly. Set a reminder to clean up trashed items weekly or monthly, depending on the volume of updates to your store.

By taking the time to clean up trashed items, you can significantly improve your WooCommerce store’s performance, ensuring a smoother and faster user experience.

Next, we’ll explore how minimizing the use of plugins can further improve your WooCommerce database.

5. Minimize the Use of Plugins

The more plugins you have installed, the more strain you put on your WooCommerce database. Each plugin can add scripts, styles, and database queries that slow down your site. Here’s how to streamline your plugins for peak performance.

Necessary Plugins Only

Evaluate Necessity: Only keep plugins that are essential for your store’s operation. Unnecessary plugins can bloat your site and slow down performance.

Example: If you have multiple plugins for SEO, consider consolidating into one robust plugin that covers all your needs.

Identify Sub-Optimal Scripts

Sub-Optimal Scripts: Some plugins come with scripts that are not optimized for speed. These can significantly slow down your site, especially if they run on every page load.

Use Query Monitor: The Query Monitor plugin can help you identify slow queries and sub-optimal scripts. It provides insights into which plugins are causing the most load on your database.

Steps to Minimize Plugins

  1. Audit Plugins: Regularly review all installed plugins. List them out and assess their necessity.
  2. Check Performance: Use Query Monitor to see which plugins are causing slow queries.
  3. Remove Redundancies: If multiple plugins offer overlapping features, choose the best one and remove the rest.
  4. Optimize Remaining Plugins: Ensure that the plugins you keep are optimized for performance. Update them regularly to benefit from performance improvements and bug fixes.

Real-World Impact

A WooCommerce store that reduced its plugins from 30 to 15 saw a 20% improvement in load times. The database queries were cut in half, leading to faster page loads and a better user experience.

Regular Maintenance

Perform a plugin audit at least once a quarter. This helps keep your WooCommerce database lean and ensures that only necessary, optimized plugins are in use.

By minimizing the use of plugins, you can significantly improve your WooCommerce database performance, making your store faster and more efficient.

Next, we’ll explore how to enable object caching to further boost your WooCommerce database performance.

6. Enable Object Caching

Enabling object caching is a powerful way to boost your WooCommerce database performance. It helps store frequently accessed data in memory, reducing the need to query the database repeatedly.

What is Object Caching?

Object caching stores the results of database queries in memory. When the same data is requested again, it can be retrieved from the cache instead of querying the database. This speeds up your site and reduces database load.

Benefits of Object Caching

  • Faster Load Times: Cached data is served quickly, reducing page load times.
  • Reduced Database Load: Fewer database queries mean less strain on your server.
  • Improved User Experience: Faster pages lead to happier users and potentially higher conversion rates.

Redis Object Cache Plugin

One of the best tools for implementing object caching in WooCommerce is the Redis Object Cache plugin.

Redis is an in-memory data structure that speeds up data retrieval. It uses a No-SQL architecture, making it faster than traditional SQL databases.

How to Enable Redis Object Cache

  1. Install the Plugin: Go to your WordPress dashboard, steer to Plugins > Add New, and search for “Redis Object Cache.” Install and activate the plugin.
  2. Configure Redis: Follow the plugin’s setup instructions to connect your WooCommerce store to a Redis server. This usually involves adding a few lines of code to your wp-config.php file.
  3. Verify Cache: After setup, use the plugin’s settings page to ensure that object caching is working correctly.

Real-World Example

A WooCommerce store implemented Redis Object Cache and saw a 30% reduction in database query time. This led to faster load times and a smoother shopping experience for customers.

Regular Monitoring

Use tools like New Relic to monitor the performance of your object cache. Regular checks ensure that the cache is functioning correctly and efficiently.

By enabling object caching with Redis, you can significantly improve the performance of your WooCommerce database, making your store faster and more responsive.

Next, we’ll look at how to keep your WooCommerce database updated for peak performance.

7. WooCommerce Database Update

Keeping your WooCommerce database updated is crucial for optimal performance. Regular updates ensure that your database benefits from the latest features, security patches, and compatibility improvements with other plugins.

Why Update Your WooCommerce Database?

Updating the database ensures:

  • Improved Security: Regular updates patch vulnerabilities.
  • Improved Performance: Updates often include optimizations that speed up your database.
  • Compatibility: Ensures smooth operation with the latest versions of WooCommerce and other plugins.

How to Update Your WooCommerce Database

Updating your WooCommerce database can be done either automatically or manually. Here’s how:

Automatic Updates

Automatic updates are the easiest way to keep your database up-to-date without much effort.

  1. Go to WooCommerce Settings: Steer to your WordPress dashboard and go to WooCommerce > Settings.
  2. Select the Advanced Tab: Click on the Advanced tab to find the Database Updates section.
  3. Enable Automatic Updates: Choose the “Update Automatically” option. This ensures that your database updates itself whenever a new version is available.

Manual Updates

If you prefer more control over the update process, manual updates are the way to go.

  1. Go to WooCommerce Settings: Steer to WooCommerce > Settings from your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Select the Advanced Tab: Click on the Advanced tab.
  3. Choose Manual Update: Select the “Update Manually” option.
  4. Run the Update: Follow the on-screen instructions to manually update your WooCommerce database.

Real-World Example

A WooCommerce store that regularly updated its database saw a 15% improvement in performance metrics. This was due to the inclusion of optimized query functions and security improvements in the updates.

Regular Monitoring

Even with automatic updates, it’s wise to periodically check the status of your database. Tools like Query Monitor can help you identify any issues that might arise post-update.

By keeping your WooCommerce database updated, you ensure that your store runs smoothly, securely, and efficiently. Next, we’ll discuss how to clean up your WooCommerce database for peak performance.

How to Clean Up Your WooCommerce Database

Cleaning up your WooCommerce database is essential for maintaining peak performance. Over time, your database can become cluttered with unnecessary data, slowing down your site. Here’s how to tidy up your database using some effective tools and techniques.

InnoDB Tables

Switching your database tables to the InnoDB storage engine can improve performance. InnoDB is faster and more reliable than the older MyISAM engine. You can convert your tables to InnoDB using phpMyAdmin.

  1. Access phpMyAdmin: Go to your hosting control panel and open phpMyAdmin.
  2. Select Your Database: Choose the WooCommerce database.
  3. Convert Tables: For each table, run the SQL command:
    ALTER TABLE table_name ENGINE=InnoDB;

WP Optimize Plugin

The WP Optimize plugin helps you clean up and optimize your database without needing technical know-how. It can remove unnecessary data like post revisions, spam comments, and transient options.

Steps to Use WP Optimize:

  1. Install and Activate: Install the WP Optimize plugin from the WordPress plugin repository and activate it.
  2. Run Optimization: Go to WP Optimize > Database and select the items you want to clean up. Click “Run all selected optimizations”.

Prune Orders Plugin

If your WooCommerce store has a lot of old orders, the Prune Orders plugin can help you delete them and reduce database size.

How to Use Prune Orders:

  1. Install and Activate: Install the Prune Orders plugin.
  2. Configure Settings: Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Prune Orders and set the criteria for pruning orders.
  3. Run Pruning: Click “Prune Now” to remove old orders based on your settings.

wp_options Table

The wp_options table can become bloated with unnecessary data. Cleaning it up can significantly improve performance.

Manual Cleanup:

  1. Access phpMyAdmin: Open phpMyAdmin from your hosting control panel.
  2. Select wp_options Table: Choose the wp_options table from your database.
  3. Delete Unnecessary Rows: Look for rows with autoload set to ‘no’ and delete them if they are not needed.

Query Monitor

The Query Monitor plugin is excellent for identifying slow database queries.

How to Use Query Monitor:

  1. Install and Activate: Install the Query Monitor plugin.
  2. Monitor Queries: Go to any page of your site while logged in as an admin to see the Query Monitor panel.
  3. Identify Slow Queries: Look for slow queries and trace them back to their source.

New Relic

For in-depth performance monitoring, New Relic provides comprehensive insights into your WooCommerce database.

Steps to Use New Relic:

  1. Sign Up and Install: Sign up for New Relic and install the New Relic APM agent on your server.
  2. Monitor Performance: Use the New Relic dashboard to monitor query performance, execution times, and other metrics.
  3. Optimize Based on Data: Identify slow queries and optimize them based on the data provided by New Relic.

By regularly cleaning up your WooCommerce database, you can ensure that your store runs smoothly and efficiently. Next, we’ll explore the new custom tables in WooCommerce and how they can further optimize your database performance.

New Custom Tables in WooCommerce

WooCommerce is evolving to make managing your store’s database more efficient. One big change is the introduction of custom tables. These tables aim to improve scalability, simplicity, and reliability of your WooCommerce database.


The new custom tables are designed to help your store grow without the need for extra plugins or complex setups. By using dedicated tables for main WooCommerce features, your database will be cleaner and easier to manage. This is especially useful for larger stores with many products and orders.


Retrieving data from your WooCommerce database will become much simpler. The new tables will store data in a more organized way, reducing the mess of having numerous post meta entries. This means faster and easier modifications to your site.


With these new tables, taking and restoring backups becomes more targeted. You can set read and write locks and avoid race conditions, ensuring your data remains consistent and reliable.

Proposed Custom Tables

Let’s look at some of the proposed custom tables:

  • wpwcorders: This table will store most of the WooCommerce order data and important meta keys.
  • wpwcorder_addresses: Contains all address data related to user orders, including shipping and billing information.
  • wpwcorderoperationaldata: Stores fields and flags for maintaining the internal order operations state.
  • wpwcorders_meta: Stores all extension data related to orders.
  • wpwcorder_notes: Stores all store order notes, simplifying the management of order-related notes.

Why Custom Tables Matter

Currently, WooCommerce creates 40 different post meta entries for every order. This not only clutters your database but also slows down queries. With the new custom tables, each order will take up just one row, making your database more efficient.

For example, instead of having multiple entries for tax-related data, fields like product_total_amount and product_tax_amount will be stored in their respective tables. This change will make it easier to store and retrieve tax-related data.


The new custom tables in WooCommerce are a game-changer for database optimization. They will make your store more scalable, simplify data retrieval, and ensure reliability. By adopting these new tables, you can expect a cleaner, faster, and more manageable database.

Next, let’s dive into some frequently asked questions about WooCommerce database optimization.

Frequently Asked Questions about WooCommerce Database Optimization

How to Speed Up WooCommerce Database?

There are several strategies to speed up your WooCommerce database. Here are some essential tips:

  1. Caching:

    • Page Caching: Store fully rendered HTML copies of pages to reduce server load.
    • Browser Caching: Save files locally on users’ devices to speed up subsequent page loads.
    • Object Caching: Store query results in memory using plugins like the Redis Object Cache.
  2. Image Optimization:

    • Use tools like Adobe Photoshop or online compressors to reduce the file size of images without sacrificing quality.
    • Ensure images have relevant alt-text to improve SEO and accessibility.
  3. Code Minification:

    • Minify HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files to reduce their size and improve load times. Plugins like WP Rocket can help with this.
  4. Content Delivery Network (CDN):

    • Implement a CDN to distribute your site’s content across multiple servers worldwide, reducing latency. Providers like Cloudflare or Amazon CloudFront are popular choices.
  5. High-Performance Theme:

    • Choose a lightweight, performance-optimized theme designed specifically for WooCommerce. This reduces the load on your database and improves site speed.
  6. GZIP Compression:

    • Enable GZIP compression to reduce the size of your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. This can be done through plugins like WP Rocket or by configuring your server.

How to Clean Up WooCommerce Database?

Cleaning up your WooCommerce database is crucial for maintaining peak performance. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. InnoDB Tables:

    • Ensure your tables use the InnoDB storage engine for better performance and reliability.
  2. WP Optimize Plugin:

    • Use the WP Optimize plugin to clean up your database by removing unnecessary data, such as spam comments and post revisions.
  3. Prune Orders Plugin:

    • Use the Prune Orders plugin to delete old orders that are no longer needed, freeing up space in your database.
  4. Legacy Post Types:

    • Remove any legacy post types that are no longer in use to reduce database clutter.
  5. wp_options Table:

    • Clean up the wp_options table by removing expired transients and unnecessary options.
  6. Query Monitor and New Relic:

    • Use Query Monitor and New Relic to identify and resolve slow database queries, ensuring optimal performance.

How to Optimize Database in WordPress?

To optimize your WordPress database, follow these best practices:

  1. Table Optimization:

    • Use phpMyAdmin to optimize your database tables by reclaiming unused space. Select the “Check All” option, then “Optimize table.”
  2. Unwanted Data Cleanup:

    • Regularly delete spam comments, post revisions, and unused tags to keep your database lean.
  3. Post Revisions:

    • Limit the number of stored post revisions to prevent database bloat.
  4. Spam Comments:

    • Regularly delete spam comments to maintain an efficient database.
  5. Unused Tags:

    • Remove unused tags that can clutter your database.
  6. Pingbacks and Trackbacks:

    • Disable pingbacks and trackbacks if they are not necessary for your site.
  7. Unused Plugins and Themes:

    • Deactivate and delete unused plugins and themes to reduce database size and improve performance.

By following these steps, you can ensure your WooCommerce database remains optimized for peak performance, providing a better user experience for your customers.


Optimizing your WooCommerce database is essential for maintaining peak performance, ensuring a smooth user experience, and boosting your site’s overall efficiency. At Mango Innovation, we specialize in providing custom web solutions custom to meet your specific needs, including WooCommerce database optimization.

Why Choose Mango Innovation?

1. Expertise in WooCommerce Optimization:
We understand the unique challenges that come with managing a growing WooCommerce store. Our team of experts is well-versed in the intricacies of WooCommerce databases and can help you achieve optimal performance.

2. Improved Site Performance:
By implementing best practices like caching, image optimization, and code minification, we ensure your site loads quickly and runs smoothly. This not only improves user experience but also boosts your conversion rates.

3. Custom Web Solutions:
Every business is unique, and so are its needs. We offer custom web solutions that cater to your specific requirements, ensuring that your WooCommerce store performs at its best.

4. Satisfaction Guarantee:
We stand behind our work with a satisfaction guarantee. Our goal is to provide you with high-quality web solutions that meet your expectations and help your business grow.

Take the Next Step

Ready to take your WooCommerce store to the next level? Partner with Mango Innovation for expert WooCommerce database optimization and custom web solutions. Together, we can ensure your site performs at its peak, providing a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

Explore our flexible pricing plans and get started today!

By following these steps and leveraging our expertise, you can ensure your WooCommerce database remains optimized for peak performance, providing a better user experience and driving higher conversions for your business.


Derrick Boddie
Derrick Boddie
Senior Web Developer & Executive Director at Mango Innovation

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